Personal Participation in Your Health Plan
I can tell you what I’ve done, but that’s boring. The question is what are you doing?
People go around in circles trying many things to improve their health, in the end they often decide that nothing works.
This is the simple message. There are things to do and things not to do. In business they call that “Best Practice”.
The idea in Health Coaching is to agree on what “Best Practice” is, and to plan a life that allows you do to that most of the time. Nobody is perfect.

Nobody wants a health coach, surely I can do this myself.
That’s probably true, but it’s a often a long painful journey, with years of false directions. There may be an easier way.
There’s also the FEAR that if you commit to really trying to do something with a Health Coach that you might fail. Never fear, failure is how we learn. The secret is small steps repeated often. Failure to begin is certain failure. First task, your own understanding of how to be healthy, becomes a HEALTH PLAN, your plan, it doesn’t need to be perfect, but be real, your plan is the only plan you are likely to follow.
Australia and New Zealand, the Pacific and Asia share this problem.
Here us the link to “Best Health Practice” in 35 images and very few words. The link at the end of that page links back to this page.

If you are interested, now the work begins.
Now to go further is going to take some time. If you have time go ahead, otherwise please come back, there are 14 more pages about aspects of Health Coaching here, and 300 pages in the main website for you to explore. Let us begin a journey to better health.
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