I recognise the expertise of Dr. Mario Kratz. Although he chooses and would recommend a diet that’s higher in carbohydrates and plant foods, than I have discovered works for me at my time of life. Thirty years ago, I was eating the sort of diet he prefers. This is a very good explanation of a difficult topic.

More than 1 billion people worldwide suffer from either diabetes or prediabetes, both of which are disturbances in how the body regulates blood sugar levels. In this video, Dr. Mario Kratz, provides detailed information about how blood sugar levels are regulated in healthy people, what goes wrong in this process in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, and how diabetes is diagnosed.

We are discussing insulin resistance and its relationship to the function of the pancreatic beta-cell as well as insulin-independent regulation of blood sugar, including glucose effectiveness.

It makes little difference which one of us is recommending the better diet. The question is what you choose to eat. No matter how hard you try, in the long run, you can’t sustain any diet, that makes you hungry all the time. Calorie restrictive diets always fail for that reason. That can only work in the short term. The only “healthy diet” you can eat in the long term is the diet that you discover for yourself. In the process of self-discovery, you will make mistakes. You might even maintain that faulty diet for many years, thinking that your diet is healthy. I know that I did, 30 years ago, when I exercised madly to achieve fitness, but without also having the best health, which is a different thing.

Be a little easy on yourself. If because of a poor diet, your health is less than the health you desire, you now have a reason to be interested. Follow your interest. Read, take advice, experiment a little, grow your knowledge. Eventually you’ll discover some things that work for you. Along the way more things will become obvious, and you’ll make changes. Poor health is created over many years. Reversing that, just getting started, can take 3 years. I’ve seen that often. People say, “I know I should.” But they don’t. When they do, big changes can happen very quickly, but then we revert to our old habits. Good things take time, the real sickness is in the society, not in you. The wind is against you, but you can prevail. It’s not about your will power.

In August this year (2022) three months after my angina attack, the specialist nurse in the cardiology department at the hospital, told me that I was the fittest post heart attack, 80-year-old, she had seen. That’s nice, but there are quite a few old guys much fitter than me. So, discussing the future I suggested that in the support groups that they run for people who’ve had a heart attack, that my experience might be valuable. I was told, definitely, “NO” other people cannot do what you’ve been doing. They don’t have the discipline. That’s sad, because it’s not about discipline at all. It is about having a plan and acting on good quality information. What I’ve been doing is very do-able, by anyone.

Whatever, your current diet, and level of fitness, if you try to follow the advice of Dr Mario Kratz, you are beginning in a good place. There are many levels of health and fitness above what, most of us experience. Aim to be healthy. Hundreds of small decisions every day, generally pushing in the right direction will get you there. The first step is to be INTERESTED.

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