Open Future Health
Author John Veitch

Each choice builds the health you will experience in the future.

Category: Exercise

  • Five Kilometers Under Sixty Minutes.

    Five Kilometers Under Sixty Minutes.

    To walk five kilometres in sixty minutes is a worthwhile and achievable goal for almost everyone. But if that seems a long way off today, the important thing is to START, working towards that objective. The graph above from the Dunedin Study shows that at age 38, people tended to be older than their biological…

  • This is your Life; Your Choice

    This is your Life; Your Choice

    In a long life many things can happen, but seldom is it the case that events, or plain bad luck make a substantial difference to how one’s life turns out. In Open Future Health, we argue that too many people lose 10 or 15 years of healthy life because they make poor lifestyle choices. Good…

  • Horray for Parkrun

    Horray for Parkrun

    Parkrun is now available in 22 countries worldwide. Started in the UK 20 years ago, it’s become a wonderful opportunity for families, for the socially isolated, for the fit and the unfit, for many volunteers and supporters to share an hour on Saturday morning. A global charity, parkrun’s mission is to improve health and wellbeing,…

  • to the Journal of Primary Health Care

    to the Journal of Primary Health Care

    This is an Open Letter to the editor of the Journal of Primary Health Care. New Zealand’s slow uptake of carbohydrate-reduction in type 2 diabetes management by Marcus Hawkins GP at the Botany Doctor Medical Practice, and Caryn Zinn from the School of Sport & Recreation, Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Auckland University of Technology Submitted:…

  • Nothing Published for a Year.

    Nothing Published for a Year.

    Two things have caused me to stop writing this blog for the last year. First, that the low-carb professional community were reluctant to be active, at least in public. I felt that despite the progress we had made, I was like a mad dog barking at a lamp post. Second, that my own health was…

  • Understand Insulin and Insulin Resistance.

    Understand Insulin and Insulin Resistance.

    Published on 15 Aug 2022, from the mindbodygreen podcast! Your host is Jason Wachob, founder and co-CEO of mindbodygreen. Today’s featured guest is Ben Bikman, Ph.D., a metabolic scientist with a doctorate in bioenergetics. “The single greatest predictor of a good night of sleep is if I go to bed on an empty stomach,” he…

  • Fitness for Older Adults

    Fitness for Older Adults

    The previous post was about the very overweight RNZ executive Megan Whelan, who discovered that going to the gym and working with a personal trainer did wonders for her confidence and her strength. I’ve been very critical in the past of giving people “Green Prescriptions” so they could attend exercise classes at a discounted rate,…

  • Hope! You can have an Open Future

    Hope! You can have an Open Future

    There is no medical cure, that will change who you are, and how you see yourself. How you see yourself is a critical issue. So difficult to do – but remember that birds of a feather flock together. Look at those around you. How do they look? What are their interests? What do they do…

  • New Research – 2017

    New Research – 2017

    Glucose Spikes Uncovering a Hidden Threat A documentary for NHK, filmed in Japan, the USA, and Italy. Prof. Antonio Ceriello says that, “Glucose spikes undermine our health, even though we are unaware of it.” As well as obesity, glucose spiles are a driving force in type II diabetes, heart disease, poor circulation, diabetic foot ulcers,…

  • Fitness and Strength

    Fitness and Strength

    Six Minute Walking Speed Test: This is a standard test which is commonly used for older people in a hospital rehabilitation setting.