Open Future Health
Author John Veitch

Each choice builds the health you will experience in the future.

Jason Fung – What to Eat.

Jason Fung has written at least three books that have been very popular.

The Obesity Code – Reviewing underlying physiology of weight loss and how low carb diets and fasting can help.

The Diabetes Code – Reviewing how type 2 diabetes is a reversible disease and dietary strategies.

The Cancer Code – Scientific exploration of how cancer develops.

I tell people in the introduction the Open Future Health website, that I can tell you in 30 seconds what to do. The problem is that knowing what to do isn’t enough, you still can’t do it, because you have a lifetime of experience that tells you, “This can’t be right.”

My 30 seconds. For every meal choose a protein, animal proteins are superior. In preparation you may add fat, butter, lard, coconut oil or olive oil. Now make a meal, by adding some vegetables, or perhaps eggs, cheese or yoghurt. Avoid, sugar, honey, flour, bread, rice, pasta, noodles, and potatoes. Eat within an eight-hour window. Noon to 7pm is my preference.

The main problem poor understanding. People don’t know what carbohydrates are, and sugars and sugar alcohol substitutes are everywhere. For me fresh fruit has been a problem. I find it hard to accept that fresh fruit isn’t healthy. I’ve often used fresh fruit as a snack. Fresh fruit contains a sugar called fructose, that’s processed in the same energy pathway as alcohol. Grapes, oranges, mangoes, peaches and pears should be avoided, or eaten seldom. Tart berries like red currents, blackberries, strawberries and boysenberries are OK, but eat them with just cream, avoiding icing sugar and ice-cream.

A Low Carb Diet Plan that reduces 93% of PreDiabetes (Easy) | Jason Fung

A Low Carb Diet Plan that reduces 93% of PreDiabetes (Easy) | Jason Fung

Dr Jason Fung has featured as an expert on this site since December, 2016.

Dr Jason Fung has featured as an expert on this site since December, 2016.

In the video above he argues that the principles of healthy eating are well known. People talk about the control of excess sugar in the blood, but its excess insulin trying to control the sugar that is also causing damage to your blood vessels and body cells.

Both pre-diabetes and diabetes are reversible with an appropriate diet. The problem is too much sugar in the blood stream, mostly glucose and fructose. People know that, and the say, “But I don’t eat any (much) sugar.” Maybe, but do you eat starchy foods? Carbohydrates are usually disguised in plant foods, very little in plant leaves, but quite a lot in the roots, and in the fruit. In contrast, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes are mostly starch, which is a string of sugar molecules strung together. (If sugar is like water, then carbohydrates are like ice, the same molecules in a different state.)

Dr. Unwin has been reversing type II diabetes in his clinic since 2013. His success has been recognised by the College of General Practioners in the UK.

So, what should you be eating? Dr. Fung says, eat protein, with lots of healthy fat and green vegetables. If you do that, you’ll soon find that you don’t need to snack and that it’s easy to eat only twice a day. In a week or two your craving for sugars will lessen, and many health conditions you’ve put up with for years, will quietly melt away.

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