Open Future Health
Author John Veitch

Each choice builds the health you will experience in the future.

Open Future Health
Author John Veitch

Opportunity to Learn

Better health is possible for almost everyone. The greatest loss of healthy life years isn’t caused by poor medical services. Modern marketing, and the easy choices, “modern living” cost too many people 10 or 15 years of healthy life.

Claiming those years back requires some effort. Without your own knowledge you become a victim of low prices, fake foods, or wheat and corn packaged in 100 ways because that’s CHEAP. Drinks that are mostly sugar-water, are heavily marketed for the same reason. Supermarkets are dangerous.

It’s profitable to lie to the public, to confuse them about health, and to blame the public for making poor buying decisions and developing chronic disease.

Dr Sarah Hallberg - Virta Health

Health Destroyed by Expert Advice that’s Faulty

I write about a courageous woman, Megan Whelan, Head of Content at Radio New Zealand, who was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, late in 2021. She took the best officially approved advice, and she worked hard. 12 months later her diabetes is “well managed” which means inevitably getting worse, because officially Type 2 Diabetes is a progressive disease. Megan Whelan…

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Hope! You can have an Open Future

There is no medical cure, that will change who you are, and how you see yourself. How you see yourself is a critical issue. So difficult to do – but remember that birds of a feather flock together. Look at those around you. How do they look? What are their interests? What do they do too often, and devote too…

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Insulin Resistance

Glucose and Insulin Resistance

With Dr. Peter Attia 14 June2021 In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter Attia and Bob dive deep into blood glucose and why it matters so much with respect to metabolic health and longevity. They explain the need to pay close attention to metrics like average blood glucose, glucose variability, and peak glucose numbers. We begin by understanding that…

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Common Metabolic Diseases

New Research – 2017

Glucose Spikes Uncovering a Hidden Threat A documentary for NHK, filmed in Japan, the USA, and Italy. Prof. Antonio Ceriello says that, “Glucose spikes undermine our health, even though we are unaware of it.” As well as obesity, glucose spiles are a driving force in type II diabetes, heart disease, poor circulation, diabetic foot ulcers, amputations, Alzheimer’s and many other…

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